Studying voice disorders and vocal folds is paramount as voice plays a fundamental role in communication and quality of life. Voice disorders can significantly impact an individual’s ability to speak, sing, and express The proper functioning of the vocal folds is essential for producing sound through vibration. Unfortunately, these delicate structures are susceptible to various disorders, including nodules, polyps, and scarring. As such, it is vital to understand these conditions and seek innovative solutions to address them.

One promising approach to treating these conditions is tissue engineering combined with extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds. These scaffolds are composed of decellularized tissue and mimic the natural environment of vocal fold tissue. They provide a framework for cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation, supporting functional vocal fold tissue regeneration. By creating a biomimetic environment, ECM scaffolds promote proper tissue remodeling and prevent scar tissue formation, which can impede vocal fold function and trigger long-term voice problems. The research focused on tissue engineering and ECM scaffolds for vocal fold regeneration promises improved treatments and outcomes for individuals with voice disorders, enhancing their ability to communicate and engage in meaningful interactions.