Dr. Donald O. Freytes, Ph.D.; Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC-CH and NCSU

Author: REdesign Lab (Page 1 of 5)

New Paper accepted at ACS Sensors!

The REdesign Lab is getting an excellent start to the year 2021! Another publication was accepted at ACS Sensors!

We would like to invite you to read this outstanding work, led by Dr. Ana M. Gracioso Martinson developing a high throughput sensor tool based on optics for monitoring and studying tissue engineering behaviors upon a variety of stimuli. The work includes the device’s fabrication, testing on ECM-cardiac engineered tissue, and computational modeling for data processing. Great work!

The citation is below:

Ana Maria Gracioso Martins, Michael D. Wilkins, Frances S. Ligler, Michael A. Daniele, and Donald O. Freytes

 ACS SENSORS. Published Ahead of Print (March 2021).


Congratulations to all the authors!!


Congratulations to Dr. Emily W. Ozpinar on her successful Ph.D. dissertation defense!

A big congratulation goes to Dr. Emily W. Ozpinar for successfully defending her doctoral dissertation on March 1st, 2021 entitled: “The Use of Extracellular Matrix-Based Co-Culture Systems as Tools to Study Heart Disease-Related Innate Inflammation”! We are all proud of Emily for becoming REdesign Lab’s first Ph.D.! We wish her all the best in her future endeavors!

Very well done, Emily!


New Review Paper Accepted at Tissue Engineering, Part B

The REdesign Lab is very excited to announce a new review paper accepted at Tissue Engineering, Part B!

We invite you to read this comprehensive review, led by REdesign postdoctoral research associate Dr. Ana M. Gracioso Martins and PhD candidate Andreea Biehl, on bioreactors for vocal fold tissue engineering with a focus on the influence of the phonatory environment on the development, function, injury, and healing of the vocal folds and the importance of mimicking phonation on engineered vocal fold tissues in vitro.

The citation is below:

Dr. Ana Maria Gracioso Martins, Mrs. Andreea Biehl, Miss Daphne Sze, and Dr. Donald O. Freytes. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. Published Ahead of Print (January 2021).


Congratulations to all the authors!

Dr. Mora-Navarro Receives 2020 BME Department Achievement Award

The UNC/NCSU Joint Department of BME has announced their 2020 Department Achievement Awards and we are proud to announce that REdesign postdoctoral research associate Dr. Camilo Mora-Navarro has received the Postdoctoral Fellows Award for Outstanding Research Achievement!

The department had this to say about Dr. Mora-Navarro:

“Dr. Mora-Navarro (Freytes Lab) has pushed the field of manufacturing extracellular matrix scaffolds for regenerative medicine to the next level, published 4 refereed papers in 2020, filed a patent application, and excelled at training undergraduate researchers–one of whom has achieved co-authorship on a publication.”

Dr. Mora-Navarro was nominated for this award and selected by a panel of professors from both NC State and UNC. The awards were announced via email and on the BME website. He will receive a commemorative plaque along with this recognition.

We couldn’t agree more with the decision! Congrats, Dr. Mora-Navarro!

New Paper Accepted at Biomedical Materials

Starting off 2021 with good news, the REdesign lab would like to announce a new study published in Biomedical Materials! Led by REdesign Lab postdoctoral researcher Camilo Mora-Navarro, PhD, this newly-accepted publication takes a detailed look at the transcriptomic response of human peripheral blood-derived macrophages when seeded on commonly used surgical meshes, particularly of a novel poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB) mesh. Results of this study provide valuable information of the potential immune response when these meshes are implanted in vivo or clinically. This study was generously funded by TEPHA, Inc. and is a shining example of collaborative work between academia and industry.  

The citation is below: 

Mora-Navarro C, Ozpinar EW, Sze D, Martin DP, and Freytes DO. Transcriptome-Targeted Analysis of Human Peripheral Blood-Derived Macrophages When Cultured on Biomaterial Meshes. Biomedical MaterialsPublished Ahead of Print (January 2021). 

What a great start to the new year!

Emily Selected as 2021 Horizon Award Recipient from UNC-CH Graduate School

A big congratulations goes to REdesign PhD candidate Emily W. Ozpinar, who was recently selected as a 2021 Horizon Award recipient by The Graduate School at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC-CH)! The Horizon Award, as well as the Impact Award, are annual awards given to outstanding graduate students whose research has benefited, or is likely to benefit North Carolina and its citizens. Each department at UNC-CH may nominate up to two graduate students, who then go through a rigorous application process. In early January, Emily, along with a description of her research, will be featured on The Graduate School’s website and will be further recognized  at the Annual Graduate Student Recognition Celebration.

You may read more about this fantastic news on The Graduate School’s website. It is also posted on the UNC-CH homepage, on the BME department website and Emily is specially featured in a post from UNC Healthcare as a graduate student in the School of Medicine and UNC/NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Bravo, Emily!

Two REdesign Undergraduates Selected for 2020-21 Abrams Scholar Program

Congratulations to REdesign undergraduate research assistants Caroline Dau and Bhairavy Puviindran, who have been recently selected for the 2020-21 Cohort of Abrams Scholars! The Abrams Scholars program, sponsored by the NCSU College of Engineering and the UNC/NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, provides funding for outstanding BME undergraduate researchers to work on projects proposed by faculty members. Scholars are selected from a competitive pool of applicants and are expected to present their findings at the end of the Spring semester. You may read more about the funded projects and students in the announcement from the BME website.

Way to go, Caroline and Bhairavy! We look forward to a productive year of research!

Andreea and Emily Present at 2020 NCSU’s Biomaterials Day

On Friday, October 30th, the NC State University Society for Biomaterials student chapter virtually hosted their annual 2020 Biomaterials Day,  featuring three event speakers and six student talks. This year, REdesign Lab PhD candidates Andreea (Badileanu) Biehl and Emily W. Ozpinar were selected as student speakers and were able to present data from their latest publications. Their talks were as follows:

“New Automated Tool for the Derivation of Extracellular Matrix Biomaterials from Porcine Soft Tissues” by Andreea (Badileanu) Biehl

“Porcine-Derived Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels as Three-Dimensional Platforms for Mast Cell Culture and Maturation” by Emily W. Ozpinar

It was a great event!

New Review Paper Accepted at Tissue Engineering, Part B

We are proud to announce a recent paper acceptance at Tissue Engineering Part B! The review, led by PhD Candidate Emily W. Ozpinar, was a collaboration between Dr. Glenn Cruse of the College of Veterinary Medicine and include recently graduated REdesign undergraduate research assistant  Ariana L. Frey as an author. We invite you to read this review on mast cell-biomaterial interactions!

Ozpinar EW, Frey AL, Cruse G and Freytes DO. Mast Cell-Biomaterial Interactions in Tissue Repair. Tissue Engineering Part B. Published Online (November 2020). https://doi.org/10.1089/ten.TEB.2020.0275.

Great work!

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